The Festival of Ladybugs!

Collin has been referring to Bailey's first birthday party as the festival of ladybugs! I think he's probably accurately named it!

Here's a link to the pictures from the party:
I can't believe Bailey is 1 year old already! Time has flown by!
She's got so much personality now, and it's so different from her brother! Here's some interesting things about Bailey for you to know...
- She is a "Mommy's girl" (which is an adjustment for me-Collin was not!)
- She LOVES to eat, so beware if you're eating near her-you'll have to share!
- She likes to push around Collin's cars
- but now she has a purse, so she loves to empty it and fill it up, with anything she can find, and carry it around on her arm
- She's been very good at walking behind a walker, but has refused to take even one step without assistance (and why should she? she's a speed crawler)
- but...yesterday she took her first unassisted step!
- She loves to climb, and she's pretty good at it. She's very careful. She usually can even get herself down from whatever she's climbed on!
- She makes lots of sounds, has said "mama" whenever she wants something, but no official first word yet
- Most of her sounds are LOUD! I'm thinking cheerleader....
- She likes to "sing"
- Her favorite game is peek-a-boo! If there is a sheet, blanket, or anything she can hide her face behind or under, she loves to play!
- We've tried the sign language thing, but she's not into it (Collin loved using sign language), but she's so loud that we respond pretty quickly, and we usually get right what she wants! She definitely has her own way of communicating what she needs.
- I'm sure she's reached all the appropriate developmental milestones, but she's the second child & I just don't have time to keep up with them all! I know she's passing things from one hand to another, picking up small things, doing well with shape sorting blocks, & imitates what we do with various items. (I think that's all the important ones)
- She's so cute & has so much hair, but it's so fine that bows won't stay in (very disappointing).
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