
Collin's pre-K performance

Collin's school had their Christmas program tonight, and to my surprise, he actually participated in the performance! All the kids were so cute! Here's a snip-it of Collin's part. Spencer videod the whole song with the video camera and might upload the rest to our .mac site later.



This week Collin finally earned his guitar! He's been working towards it for a very long time, and it's finally happened. Out of respect for Collin, I'm going to leave the requirements privite. Just know he worked hard!

He couldn't decide if he wanted to play left handed or right, so he went back and forth. Maybe if he gets some lessons I'll re-string the guitar so he can play left handed, but I didn't want to do that last night. (Every time I re-string a guitar, I end up breaking strings.)
Just a warning, the guitar is not tuned. We couldn't wait for that before playing, so it sounds pretty bad!


50's Day

Today was the 50th day of the school year, so Collin's school celebrated by dressing up 50's style! He loved it. His outfit was complete with the comb in his pocket and the candy sticks in his sleeve.


September 2009

Facebook Your Photos - September 2009: "http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=117028&id=677653110&l=f8c4634418"

Trick or treat!

Facebook Your Photos - Trick or treat!: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=120803&id=677653110&l=278157b11c

Enjoy the Halloween week pictures!

Got my craft on!

Facebook Your Photos - Got my craft on!: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=120369&id=677653110&l=05a9244e86

We lived in Austin for 2 years, and did not see the amount of rain we've seen in Nac over the last 2 months! It rains a lot here aparently! I need some rain boots! One rainy day I got bored with house work, so I didn't do any, and made this instead!

October 2009 Pictures

Facebook Your Photos - October 2009: "http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=117022&id=677653110&l=7434b4043c"

Really? 2 Months?

I just noticed that my last post was August 8! Wow! I'm WAYYYY behind! We've done a lot since then. We've moved from Austin to Nacogdoches, Spencer started at a new church, Collin started pre-K, I've been staying at home with the kiddos, and Bailey is 3 months older!
We are loving our new life here in Nacogdoches! It's a little different for us, though. It's been over 10 years since I've lived in a small town, and it's a first for Spencer. It's a nice change of pace and we really like how long we can go between filling up our cars with gas. We love our new church, Fredonia Hill Baptist Church (check out their website). There are so many wonderful people we're meeting and we love making new friends.
Since our move was a little chaotic, I haven't been working. We still haven't sold our Austin house, but we're trusting God that sale will happen on His timing. (His timing is always better than ours.) For the first month Spencer was here in Nac, staying in a church member's home, while the kids and I stayed in Sugar Land with my parents (who were in the middle of a move, also). It was tough to be apart, but we're so thankful to be surrounded by people who are willing to help us out whenever we need it. Finally, we found a rent house that works for us and the dogs, so in the middle of September we moved in. It's a fun house to live in short term, but we're praying out Austin house sells and we can get a more permanent home.
Collin started preschool once we got moved in. He was a little nervous to start something new, but after one day, he loved it! I'm so thankful for that! Collin really thrives in structured environments, and our home hadn't been too structured since May. He goes to school 5 days a week from 8-11:45. He loves learning new things (from someone else). I'm especially thankful for that since he told me one time that he didn't need to learn anything new.
Bailey is almost 17 months! She is growing so fast, and changing on a daily basis. Her hair is getting so long, but she won't keep a bow in for very long, so it's almost always in her eyes. I'm trying to be patient until her bangs grow a little longer and they'll sweep to the side much easier and stay out of her face. Her view of the world is going to be entirely new when that happens! She's saying more words all the time. She still would rather scream at us then say something, but she's trying to talk. She's even using her sign language more. She's starting to realize that when she can communicate with us she gets what she wants much faster. Hopefully. Her personality is really starting to come out these days. One new thing I've discovered about her is that she really is an animal lover! Collin likes dogs and other animals, but Bailey LOVES them! She is always hugging and kissing our dogs and even her animal toys. She also loves her babies. She walks up to babies in strollers and tries to pick them up (even if they're bigger than her).
I've been staying at home with the kids for the last couple of months, and it has been an adjustment. I love being able to focus all my energy on my family and home. I have to say, that having experienced both sides of the stay at home mom debate, I can't say one wins out over the other. It's just as exhausting staying home as it is working. It's just different. Currently I'm looking for a job here. We'll see how that goes! It's such a different health care environment. It's not any worse or better than being in the big city, it's just different. There isn't a pediatric hospital, so I won't be doing that, which doesn't make me the least bit sad! I'm a little tired of 12 hour shifts and working in a place where weekend and holidays don't exist!
We've had a busy October, too! I can't believe it's already November and the holiday season is officially upon us!
I'm trying to post some links of pictures from the last 2 months! Hopefully it will work since there are just too many to download into this post!


Pigtails & Pirates

These are Bailey's first pigtails! Isn't she just adorable?

Collin got A LOT of Legos for his birthday, and this is his first project.


4 years old!

Collin had a great 4th birthday today! I was so determined to make this day fun for him since he's had to endure a lot of stuff lately that was not fun for an almost 4 year old. He's been super throughout church visits, long car rides, hotels, and many nights out of his own bed (the kid loves to sleep in his own bed), and meeting tons of new people. He's been so anxious about moving that I wanted to make sure today was really special.
We started our day with a breakfast celebration with one gift-a Darth Vader t-shirt from Uncle Stu.
Then, after someone came to take pictures of our house, we went to Dave & Buster's for lunch & games.
He also got to open one more present, a special one from Mom & Dad. (A few months ago Collin decided he needed a watch "with letters"-meaning numbers & hands instead of digital, so we got him a Lightning McQueen watch with his name on it. I'm not sure why he decided he was ready for that, since he can't even read a digital watch, but maybe he can learn from his new one.)
After the games we turned in our tickets & redeemed them for lots of cool prizes.
We we got home Uncle B & Grandad were waiting for us. So we played with them while we waited on Grammie to arrive. Then we had more presents, pizza, & birthday cake.

I think Collin had a great day (at least he said he did)!

Here's a link for some pictures from the day:


Good Behavior

I'll admit, most of my parenting techniques are not from a book. Most of the time, I just try something and if it doesn't work, or stops working after a while, I move on to something else. The priorities in our house, when it comes to discipline, are to disciple out of love, not anger, and to teach Collin to grow up to be an awesome man of God.
Collin has always been a bit of a challenge to discipline. He never fits into any of the discipline molds that all those books out there suggest. Even advice other, more experienced, mothers give me seems laughable to Collin! I like the ideas presented in most of the books, but I just can't seem to make them work! (Maybe Bailey will be easier. I can't hope, can't I?) One day in March I noticed that all I was doing was focusing on Collin's negative behavior, instead of aknowledging the good behavior. We talk a lot about making choices in our house, but I thought "how can Collin ever learn to make good choices if I don't ever let him know when he's making one?" So, the Good Behavior Jar was born. The jar I bought was a little large, so when Collin decorated it, I put a line for him to reach so that he didn't have to fill it all the way up! I didn't want him to forget what we were trying to accomplish. Collin decorated the jar himself and he and I agreed on behaviors that would get him an M&M in the jar. Then we agreed on a prize to look forward to after filling the jar. Collin wanted a real bicycle with 2 wheels (he hasn't noticed that there are really 4 wheels on his bike). He finally filled his jar (which took a little longer than planned because we couldn't fill it when we were out of town). Collin is so proud of himself every time he gets to put an M&M in his jar, he's spending less time in time-out, and he is able to identify poor choices and good choices. Spencer and I are so proud of him. It's so hard to believe how fast he's growing up.

Collin in March, after he decorated his jar.

Last week, after he filled his jarCollin & Daddy putting together his new bike

Going for his first ride

Look at him go!

Collin is doing really well on his bike. He just forgets to look where he's going! I really never worried about him making it to the age of 5 until now! On the plus side, I have one more activity to help burn all that energy!

She's WALKING!!!

Bailey's been walking for a few weeks, and she's getting better every day. It's been almost impossible to get a good video of it. Until now! I think she looks like such a big girl in her night gown & now walking!



Last weekend we went to a wedding in the Austin area. Bailey got car-sick on the way and I didn't have another dress, so I had to borrow one from a cousin. It actually worked out well, since Collin was already in white!


The Festival of Ladybugs!

Collin has been referring to Bailey's first birthday party as the festival of ladybugs! I think he's probably accurately named it!

Here's a link to the pictures from the party:

I can't believe Bailey is 1 year old already! Time has flown by!

She's got so much personality now, and it's so different from her brother! Here's some interesting things about Bailey for you to know...
  • She is a "Mommy's girl" (which is an adjustment for me-Collin was not!)

  • She LOVES to eat, so beware if you're eating near her-you'll have to share!

  • She likes to push around Collin's cars

  • but now she has a purse, so she loves to empty it and fill it up, with anything she can find, and carry it around on her arm

  • She's been very good at walking behind a walker, but has refused to take even one step without assistance (and why should she? she's a speed crawler)

  • but...yesterday she took her first unassisted step!

  • She loves to climb, and she's pretty good at it. She's very careful. She usually can even get herself down from whatever she's climbed on!

  • She makes lots of sounds, has said "mama" whenever she wants something, but no official first word yet

  • Most of her sounds are LOUD! I'm thinking cheerleader....

  • She likes to "sing"

  • Her favorite game is peek-a-boo! If there is a sheet, blanket, or anything she can hide her face behind or under, she loves to play!

  • We've tried the sign language thing, but she's not into it (Collin loved using sign language), but she's so loud that we respond pretty quickly, and we usually get right what she wants! She definitely has her own way of communicating what she needs.

  • I'm sure she's reached all the appropriate developmental milestones, but she's the second child & I just don't have time to keep up with them all! I know she's passing things from one hand to another, picking up small things, doing well with shape sorting blocks, & imitates what we do with various items. (I think that's all the important ones)

  • She's so cute & has so much hair, but it's so fine that bows won't stay in (very disappointing).


We finally finished unpacking!

We've been in Austin since the end of August, 2007, and we finally put away the last box yesterday! Thanks to the Memorial Day sale at Ikea, we got some new furniture for the gameroom and started a major reorganization project. We're having a garage sale in June now that we've reorganized and have some things we don't need anymore (or have a place to put).

Who wouldn't want to play in that room!

Some pictures & a video

Bailey loves to look outside. This day it was raining and she wanted to climb on the ledge to watch the rain, so her big brother stood behind her to make sure she didn't fall.

Collin liked his dinner...

and so did Bailey!

This is why the table stays outside!

Yeah Summer!

Bailey still won't let go & walk, but she is really fast when she's behind her walker!
Not much else going on here except what you see! We have a really good time! Sometimes I wish I had more to say, but the pictures do a pretty good job of letting you know what's going on with us. Plus, by the time I get these two off to bed, I'm really too tired to say too much.


The Dress

I've had my Grandmother's sewing machine for a while, but haven't used it yet. Yesterday I finally got started on my first project. I made a dress for Bailey. It's my first thing to ever sew by my self. I have made a few things in the past, with my Grandmother's help. I'm quite proud of myself this time! Now, I just hope it fits!

Here it is:


11 Months

Yesterday Bailey turned 11 months old! I can't believe how fast she's growing. I should be able to, since her brother will be 4 this summer (yikes!), but I feel like 11 months just came too fast!

Here's a picture of my almost one year old...


Where have all the babies gone?

I know I'm being totally ridiculous, but I'm a mom. I can't help myself! This last weekend was a little difficult for me. I love my children. They will always be my babies. They just seem to be getting further and further away from actually being babies.

Saturday was a day for growth in my house.

Bailey turned 10 months old. I know, she's not even 1 year old yet. (Like I said, I'm being totally ridiculous.) It just reminded me she's getting closer to that 1st birthday mark. I remember the day she was born, her first day home, her first bottle, her first tooth, her first bath, her first cereal, her first smile, her first laugh, her first attempt at crawling, and so many more firsts! Now she's got 7 or 8 teeth (depending on the amount of swelling in her gums). She's pulling up and cruising around. She can climb the stairs, surprisingly fast for a 10 month old. She says "ma ma" and is using some of the sign language I'm teaching her. She lets go of what she's holding on to and stands alone for a few seconds (before she realizes what she just did). She is not shy about letting us know things she likes or doesn't like. She fits into size 12-18 month clothes. No more newborn sized clothes! She has such a playful personality, but she's so different from her brother. She's amazing! I'm so in love!

Collin also hit a milestone Saturday. His is of a little bit more personal nature. I will say that involved a certain article of clothing that replaces diapers! I'm so proud of him. He overcame some major anxieties to let go of the pull-ups. Collin is now 3 and a half. He lets us know frequently that he is not 3 anymore, but 3 and a half. I can remember all of Collin's firsts as vividly as I remember Bailey's! He's such a big boy now. He's a great helper, and loves to do it, as long as it doesn't interrupt his playing. He can help me cook and bake. He helps take care of his sister. He even tells people it's his job to protect her. He loves any sport that involves a ball. He's pretty good a hitting a baseball, and he can throw pretty well, too. He is always on the go! Seriously. He doesn't stop unless he's sleeping. Seriously. He doesn't need much help entertaining himself. He's super creative. He can write his name. He is learning to recognize letters and numbers (something I thought he'd forget since he left preschool when Bailey was born). He's learning Bible verses and learning about the amazing Gift of Jesus. He trusts God to protect him and help ease his fears. He asks thanks God every night before dinner for helping him to obey. At Easter lunch he prayed "Dear God, thank you for the food, oh, and my tummy hurts, and thank you for helping us, and for being in my heart, and for Jesus to die on the cross." (More later on what I'm learning about my relationship with God from my 3 year old) He is doing so many things for himself now that we used to have to do for him. He is so sweet and amazing! I'm so in love!
I have to be honest, though. Most of the time I'm grateful when he hits these milestones and becomes more independent. It does give me more freedom to take care of more things around the house. I am frequently praying for my kiddos to grow into healthy, happy, well-adjusted people who love the Lord. And, this most recent milestone came after lots and lots and lots of prayer. Who knew that when he finally reached it, I would react this way?

My children are wonderful, beautiful gifts from God, and I have enjoyed watching them grow so much in the short time since their births. I am so thankful for each day I have with them. I can't even remember what my life was like before they came along! I have loved every stage my kids have been in. I think every time they enter a new stage I say, "I just love this stage he's/she's in"! And I really have!

Even with all the reminiscing I'm doing, I would not go back, though. As much as I've loved each stage, I love even more moving on to the next one. Every time Collin and Bailey do something new, it's so exciting! I can't wait to see what they do next!



SO, here's some of the recent pictures and videos from the last month (in reverse order):

My Baylor Bears, celebrating the basketball wins (with a football)!
This is Collin's Good Behavior Jar. He helped decorate it. Every time he shows he can make a good choice (good manners, sharing, etc.) he gets an M&M. When he fills it to the line, he'll get to pick a treat. I think he's most excited about eating the M&M's, though. So far, great incentive for good behavior!

Cooking together.

Bailey's pretty dress from Grammie, right before we took it off because we decided she was too sick to go to church.
Collin in the park in Sugar Land, playing baseball with uncle B

Bailey's first swing experience. I think she liked it!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Bailey has started doing this to let everyone know she's super cute!

This was taken during Bailey's first zoo trip. She was not impressed, so she just took off her shoe and tried to put it back on again.

My boys at the Baylor Bear Pit

Bailey at the Bear Pit

Getting ready for bed

My girlie girl, pushing her stroller, wearing a tutu!

Seriously, this girl loves bath time!

Bailey loves to give kisses, but here she'll only give one, but you can hear her say "ma ma"!