I know, I said I started this blog since Spencer never updates his, and here I am, not updating mine! I must apologize! It's pretty terrible, I know...
There have been some days when I've wanted to blog, but just couldn't figure out what I should blog about. I thought about politics, but I was just glad when the election was over. I didn't want to get too involved in that mess. I voted. I did my part. Then, I thought about posting some stuff about Bailey & Collin, but haven't got any pictures uploaded. We went to Longview for Halloween and Barrett's last soccer game. When I get pictures uploaded, I'll have to post about that weekend! Collin was Mister Personality for the weekend! Lately we've been passing around a stomach bug. So, this weekend I had to leave my house, where I was taking care of my own sick family, to take care of someone else's sick children. What a bummer!
Spencer was ordained October 29 in a very nice service at the church he grew up in, in Sugar Land. He also had about 3 weeks "off" from work, but was asked to come back and is pretty grateful to be back. I'm just working 2 nights each week (mostly weekends) and think it's really a good schedule for us. I do not like that I never have weekend time with my family, but I am very grateful that I don't have to put the kiddos in daycare, and that I get to spend the week with Collin & Bailey at home. We have a great time!
So, tonight I'm at work (obviously, not working) updating my blog about how I haven't updated my blog. Hope that's enough for you until I can get more pictures posted.